“Nearly a quarter (23%) of the readers would like to see at least some restrictions or requirements changed or added such as policies related to paint colors and, fencing, as well as see a better and more consistent enforcement of existing policies.”
Covenants and Rules Summary
A vast majority (85%) of surveyed owners have, at some point, read Wintergreen Covenants and Restrictions. Valley property owners (91% have read Wintergreen Covenants and Restrictions at some point) and primary residents (91%) are more likely to have read Wintergreen Covenants and Restrictions than are mountain property residents (83%) and non-primary residents (83%).
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
Nearly a third of those (29%) would like to see some restrictions changed or added such as restricting short-term rentals, fewer restrictions on tree pruning and trimming and outdoor fireplaces, and guest and dog policies.
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
Approximately one-third (31%) of owners have, at some point, read WPOA ARB publication Maintenance of The Natural Environment at Wintergreen. Valley property owners (38% have read it), primary residents (37%), and especially those who own undeveloped lots (47%) are more likely to have read Maintenance of The Natural Environment at Wintergreen than mountain property residents (28%), non-primary residents (28%) and condominium owners (21%).
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
Of those who have read Maintenance of The Natural Environment at Wintergreen 15% would like to see some restrictions or requirements changed or included, such as policies related to tree cutting and light pollution.
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
41% of owners have, at some point, read WPOA ARB publication Building or Modifying Your Home at Wintergreen. Valley property owners (52% have read it) and primary residents (50%) are more likely to have read Building or Modifying Your Home at Wintergreen than are mountain property residents (36%) and non-primary residents (36%). Sixty-four percent of survey respondents who own undeveloped lots have read this publication.
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
Nearly a quarter (23%) of the readers would like to see at least some restrictions or requirements changed or added such as policies related to paint colors and, fencing, as well as see a better and more consistent enforcement of existing policies.
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)
Majority of survey respondents (58% ‘strongly oppose’ and ‘somewhat oppose’ combined) opposes changing mountain motorcycle policy to allow guests to arrive and depart by motorcycle. This number varies little among different demographic groups, including mountain and valley property owners and primary and non-primary residents.
View a breakdown of responses by valley and mountain HERE. (Opens another tab in your browser.)