Wintergreen Mountain Click the current temperature for more details
Wintergreen Valley Click the current temperature for more details
Current Radar Map
Forecast Map-This forecast is from a different provider than the forecast at the top of this page     ↑Clickto play five-day forecast map

The best weather info for Wintergreen living

Resort CamerasVirginia Traffic Cameras

Weather at Wintergreen Resort- Open in a new window HERE

Real-time Highway Cameras

For a real-time look at the weather on the area's interstate highways, VDOT's provides a map with links to highway cameras.

Go to

Check the current status of the Blue Ridge Parkway HERE. Interactive Weather Map

This is the source of the maps at the top of this page. Click on the progress arrow in the lower left corner of the map to see the radar or forecast displayed graphically. Legend on the right side offers temperatures and radar.

Visit HERE.

Weather averages for the area can be found on Weather Underground’s WunderMap