Board of Directors

(Year-end term expires)

L. Allen Bennett

Vice President
Houston S. Sorenson

Bill Martin

Bill Gatewood


Jim McCaffery

Robin Pullen

WP LLC Director
Mark Fischer

WP LLC Director
Jay Gamble

Executive Director

Jay Roberts

Election to the Wintergreen Property Owners Association Board of Directors

The Wintergreen Property Owners Association membership elects six people to its nine member board of directors, with one member appointed by the WPOA Board and two members appointed by the owners of Wintergreen Resort (WP LLC).

Qualified candidates for open positions are announced in the Annual Meeting Packet mailed to each property owner about six to eight weeks before the elections held in the fall at the annual meeting (proxy ballots are provided in each packet for mailing votes). Terms are staggered where there are typically two to three seats open for election on the board each year. Those elected serve a four-year term beginning after the fall election.

WPOA board members take part in guiding the affairs of the association by providing policy as well as guide and direct the Executive Director and the WPOA staff. Elected members are expected to attend at least six regularly scheduled meetings annually and to participate as a member of at least one of the several WPOA board committees.

Community-minded property owners are urged to become involved in the governing of Wintergreen by running for election to the board. Property owners who have been active in the various community organizations in and around Wintergreen are especially encouraged to run for a seat on the board.

Any property owner who are community-minded and is inclined by desire or their background to be of service to their fellow association members should seriously consider becoming a candidate for election to the board. 

Observing Board Meetings

There are two WPOA board seats up for election in 2025. Candidates for WPOA board should print and complete the application below and submit no later than 4pm - August 1, 2025

This information can be sent by mail to
Nominating Committee Chair,
88 Wintergreen Drive, Roseland, VA 22967, or by email to