“The overwhelming majority (88% ‘very likely’ and ‘somewhat likely’ combined) of Wintergreen owners are likley to recommend purchasing a property at Wintergreen to a friend or colleague. This includes more than a half (56%) who are very likely to make this recommendation.”
WPOA Operations Summary
The overwhelming majority (88% ‘very likely’ and ‘somewhat likely’ combined) of Wintergreen owners are likely to recommend purchasing a property at Wintergreen to a friend or colleague. This includes more than a half (56%) who are very likely to make this recommendation.
Overwhelming majority (93%) of survey respondents read and subscribe to the WPOA News & Update Newsletters, and nearly all of them (95% ‘very satisfied’ and ‘somewhat satisfied’ combined) are satisfied with the information they find there.
Nearly all survey respondents (94%) subscribe to the Alert Wintergreen notices and all but 10 (out of 1,630) are satisfied with the information contained in the texts, emails and voice they receive.
About three out of four (71%; 84% among those who have owned property in Wintergreen for less than one year) survey respondents use the WPOA website (wtgpoa.org) and those who visit it are overwhelmingly (94% ‘very satisfied’ and ‘satisfied’ combined) satisfied with the information they find there.
Large numbers of respondents believe that website and newsletter coverage of the differences between WPOA and Wintergreen Resort (80%), community rules and regulations (61%), community groups (45%), Architectural Review Board process and procedures (44%), wildlife (39%), trash (38%), Wintergreen Police (37%) and Fire and Rescue Services (36%) would improve their ownership experience at Wintergreen.
Mail and package delivery (37% mountain vs. 16% valley), weather (33% mountain vs. 20% valley), and trash (42% mountain vs. 28% valley) are topics of greater interest to mountain than valley property owners, while community rules and regulations (68% valley vs. 58% mountain) and ARB process and procedures (54% valley vs. 39% mountain) are topics that interest more valley than mountain property owners.
Wintergreen owners believe that WPOA is the most effective in managing roadway snow removal (84% rate it as ‘very effective’), road surfaces (80%), mowing (76%), roadway storm clean-up (74%), and road signage (71%). Administering the Architectural Review Board (ARB) was seen as comparatively less effective (27% rate it as “very effective”), while also including the largest percentage (40%) of “not sure” responses. Combined, this suggests there is considerable confusion over the ARB’s role and responsibilities.
WPOA effectiveness is perceived similarly among valley and mountain property owners – the only notable difference is the maintenance of WPOA parks and pavilions where 89% of valley property owners (compared to 78% of mountain property owners) consider WPOA to be at least somewhat effective.
In most categories, primary residents rate WPOA effectiveness higher than do non-primary residents, most notably maintenance of WPOA parks and pavilions (91% of primary residents rate it as at least somewhat effective compared to 76% of non-primary residents), WPOA administrative support (78% primary vs. 66% non-primary), ARB (57% primary vs. 46% non-primary) and WPOA facility conditions (79% primary vs. 69% non-primary).