Below is the entire text of email sent by Jay Roberts, Executive Directory of WPOA, to Wintergreen Property Owners on Friday evening, February 9th.
“WPOA is committed to the best possible outcome for our community; one that provides fair treatment and security for our owners, employees, and guests.
Dominion Energy notified Wintergreen Property Owners Association (WPOA) that, based on the legal authority given to it by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), it was filing suit in Federal court on Friday, February 9 for condemnation of WPOA property.
WPOA has repeatedly and publicly stated our opposition to the location of the pipeline. However, based on the law of eminent domain and the history of these cases in Federal Court, we expect that a court of law will grant the access necessary for the project to proceed.
We respect the legal process and are focused on addressing the concerns of our owners through Dominion’s agreement to participate in a formal mediated process that will include the financial and non-financial implications placed on the community by the presence of the pipeline. WPOA is committed to the best possible outcome for our community; one that provides fair treatment and security for our owners, employees, and guests.
Jay Roberts
Executive Director
Wintergreen Property Owners Association
"Federal court filings show that the pipeline has sued nearly 50 property owners since December in Highland, Bath, Augusta, Buckingham and Nelson counties." – from The Daily Progress' news report on the action against WPOA, 2/11/2018
Click HERE to view a copy of the ACP's eight-page Federal lawsuit –via Friends of Wintergreen