Faced with managing the COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the state, many homeowner associations simply shutdown their swimming pools this summer. At Wintergreen, however, the property owners association management is making it work thanks to an understanding membership and some good onsite managers.
Property owners wanting to make a reservation at a WPOA pool can either stop by the pool or call: Chestnut Springs 434-325-2200 ext 9303; Rodes Farm 434-818-0814.
Operating hours this year are broken into four swim sessions: 10am-11:45am, noon-1:45pm, 2pm-3:45pm, and 4pm-5:45pm.
Owners are allowed three accompanied guests per household and can reserve swim sessions up to seven days in advance at each pool. Bring your WPOA pool pass.
This year access to the pools is restricted to property owners and accompanied guests. The big challenge at both the valley and mountain pools operated by the Wintergreen Property Owners Association has been communicating the restrictions to renters.
“We’re trying to be flexible with the renters; there has been some yelling,” said Charles Tucker whose summer job this year is coordinating the onsite crews at both swimming pools. “But, with maybe a few exceptions, the property owners coming to the pools have been very understanding and cooperative. There have been no major issues."
Alley Wulin, who is working this summer at the mountain pool, also had praise for the property owners adapting. "It’s going well. There have been a few complaints about having to wear masks, but that's all," she said.
“While some of our owners remain disappointed in our efforts, most owners are working through the restrictions and adjusting to the new normal. Based on owner feedback, demand, and use trends, we made a few minor tweaks to our pool operating plan,” Jay Roberts, WPOA’s Executive Director, reported in a July 17 post on his website.
During Virginia’s Phase 3, WPOA’s pool occupancy is limited to 29 at Rodes Farm and 42 at Chestnut Springs.
To meet the state mandate on the number of people allowed, WPOA is requiring reservations. The good news is that the onsite managers report that, so far, during the week both the mountain and valley swimming pools usually have had space available for those wanting to swim. Tucker said that even on weekends there are often some of the 90-minute slots available.
Wintergreen Resort’s swimming pools in the valley and on the mountain are open at 75 percent occupancy for swimming for resort guests and members, details here. There is also swimming at Lake Monocan in the valley that is open to the public several days a week.