
COVID-19 Update: Expect the Number of Cases Here to Rise

from Chief Curtis Sheets, Wintergreen Fire & Rescue

There has been a 36% increase in COVID-19 cases within Nelson County this week. Most of the additional cases have been discovered within the past 48 hours.

as of 08/07/2020

USA Cases - 4,957,653
USA Deaths - 161,682
Virginia Cases - 99,189
Virginia Deaths - 2,322
Nelson Cases - 45
Nelson Deaths - 0

The increase is troubling and sadly we know that one of our patients from earlier this week is listed in "critical condition."

While I don't want to do or say anything which would cause people to dial back their protective measures, I feel it is important that Wintergreen residents know where these cases are occurring.

All cases we have handled this week have been traced back to three facilities which are all located in the southern part of the county. A social club, a church, and a senior living facility are all dealing with outbreaks.

Please continue the good work regarding social distancing. If you should happen to encounter a person without a mask please don't confront them. Simply keep your distance.

Is the situation bad enough that you should stay home? No. Are you safer at home? Yes.

The Virginia hospitalization rate is approximately 9% and the mortality rate is approximately 2.4%. These numbers are updated daily and posted on our website’s homepage at at the bottom of the page.

Virginia is the first state in the nation to launch a COVID-19 tracker application for smartphones. You may download it by searching for "COVIDWISE." Essentially the app allows your phone to archive every person who moves within Bluetooth range who also have the COVIDWISE app installed. Once a person tests positive, they are given a PIN to enter in the tracker. The PIN protects their identity and notifies all persons in the COVIDWISE app who have been in contact with the positive patient.

COVIDWISE could be a great tool, but I caution all users against a false sense of security. For COVIDWISE to be completely accurate three things would have to be true;
1) everyone must have a smartphone,
2) Bluetooth ranges on all participating phones need to be robust, and
3) all smartphone operators would need to feel a moral obligation to activate COVIDWISE.

Of course, none of these three things will ever be absolute. The United States has the world’s largest caseload and conventional tracing methods can’t keep up. COVIDWISE could help fill the void.

If at any point you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email me at

Stay safe!

Supreme Court showdown set over pipeline crossing of Appalachian Trail at Wintergreen

Supreme Court showdown set over pipeline crossing of Appalachian Trail at Wintergreen

The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal of a decision by a Richmond-based federal appeals court last year regarding the building the Atlantic Coast Pipeline under the Appalachian Trail. This part of the ACP project would use land owned by the Wintergreen Property Owners Association. Read more in the Richmond Times-Dispatch.