Wintergreen Resort’s policy regarding unmanned aircraft is typical of most outdoor recreation areas.
Why masks again? Why now?
Major improvements to walking paths underway
Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Mid-Year Updates
Passing of Russell Otis
Russell Otis, long time Executive Director of WPOA, passed away peacefully at his home on Sunday. Russell was an ardent supporter of the Wintergreen Community and served as the first Executive Director of WPOA from 1989 until 2016. Many in the community will remember Russell for his sharp wit, his honesty, and his active participation in the success of both Wintergreen and Nelson County.
Wintergreen water and sewer rate changes
WPOA asks FERC for the return of ACP easements and land reclamation
WPOA Statement on Renaissance Ridge
Go here to read the March 25th, 2021 letter from WPOA to Wintergreen property owners regarding the proposed Renaissance Ridge development.
For more background on this development, see the initial announcements here.
Update on the Nellysford Vaccine Clinic
Developing the potential of Stoney Creek Park
Proposed Renaissance Ridge Development Announced
COVID-19 vaccine clinic in Nellysford update and news
COVID-19 Clinic Update
Questions and Answers on Next Steps
• How did the first clinic on March 4 go?
The clinic was about as perfect as I think it could be. We delivered 200 doses to local citizens. We did not waste any doses. We didn't have anyone show up with an appointment who was not served. Our staff, volunteers, Virginia Health Department staff, and the Virginia Medical Reserve Corps did a fantastic job.
• I signed up and saw a confirmation, but I didn't make it into the first wave of 200 on March 4th. What do I do?
Your name is still on our list. We're working to bring another clinic here as soon as possible, maybe March 18, where we'll start with those who haven't had the first dose on our list. Reading the news, you can see more options for getting your "jab" are becoming available. If you have not signed up on the state's primary list, do it now. Go here.
• I have not signed up yet on the Wintergreen clinic list? Is it too late?
No, if you signed up on the state's primary list here, then your next step is to sign up for the upcoming COVID vaccine clinics that we will hold in Nellysford. Go here.
• Is this clinic just for Wintergreen people?
No. This clinic is serving everyone in this part of Nelson County as well as the entire Wintergreen population.
• What's new?
We're looking a little ahead and now asking those who are between 55 and 65 to sign up as well. Those in that group use the same form as those who are 65 and older to sign up. Go here.
• What if I have a situation where I think I should qualify for being on the priority list to receive the vaccine?
We want to hear from you. Send an email to with your details, including your birthday, phone number, and the details you want us to know. We'll get this information in front of the professionals who can make a decision. You may be contacted by a physician.
• How can people here keep up with what's happening regarding this local vaccine clinic?
Sign up for our special vaccine clinic newsletters here. Or, if you live in Wintergreen, you'll see these updates (and other helpful news) by signing up for the new WPOA newsletters. Go here.
• Which product are you using, and can I get my second dose at Wintergreen if I received my first dose elsewhere?
On March 4th we were provided with the Moderna vaccine. We don't know which product we will use at the next clinic. We are not able to accommodate second-dose-only requests. Our clinics will, of course, provide the second dose for those persons who received their first dose at our Nellysford clinic.
• I have more questions.
Send an email to
–Curtis Sheets, Chief, Wintergreen Fire & Rescue
New Mountain Mail Center Open for Business
Mountain Mail Center Update
Wintergreen has strict rules on outdoor fireplaces
You have a beautiful home in the Blue Ridge Mountains and you want to sit by a fire and stargaze, we get it. We want you to do that too, but in a way that doesn’t endanger your neighbors. Read more here